Arbitration Times

Navigating The Thin Line: The Role Of Courts In Determining Arbitrability

Navigating The Thin Line: The Role Of Courts In Determining…

The Indian legal system has had to grapple with the delicate balance between respecting party autonomy and upholding the integrity and effectiveness of arbitration, particularly…

Supreme Court Of India Affirms The Inviolability Of Timelines For Setting Aside Arbitral Awards

Supreme Court Of India Affirms The Inviolability Of Timelines For…

The Indian Supreme Court has recently reaffirmed that the timelines for filing a challenge to an arbitral award are sacrosanct and that even days on…

Dear CNICA Members,

Dear CNICA Members,

We are delighted to inform you that the Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution (AIADR) has offered us three free slots for their upcoming AIADR…

Parties Cannot Restrict Limitation Period For Invoking Arbitration In Contravention To The Limitation Act

Parties Cannot Restrict Limitation Period For Invoking Arbitration In Contravention…

The Delhi High Court, in the case of Municipal Corporation of Delhi v. Natraj Construction Company, by relying on Section 28 of the Indian Contract…

Transforming Dispute Resolution: How A Metaverse Platform Offers Effective, Efficient, And Convenient Arbitration

Transforming Dispute Resolution: How A Metaverse Platform Offers Effective, Efficient,…

The world is rapidly evolving, and technology is a significant driver of that change. With the advent of the metaverse, a virtual world where users…

Typography And Its Importance In Arbitration Submissions

Typography And Its Importance In Arbitration Submissions

As an arbitration lawyer, the power of the written word is essential to your work. However, there is another factor that often gets overlooked –…

India International Arbitration Centre (Iiac) Regulations 2023: Criteria For Admission To The Panel Of Arbitrators

India International Arbitration Centre (Iiac) Regulations 2023: Criteria For Admission…

On March 31st, 2023, the India International Arbitration Centre (IIAC) released new regulations entitled “India International Arbitration Centre (Criteria for Admission to the Panel of…

Community Mediation: A Pathway To Resolving Conflicts In India

Community Mediation: A Pathway To Resolving Conflicts In India

India is a diverse nation with a multitude of cultures, traditions, and beliefs. It is also a nation with a long history of conflict and…

Promoting Transparency And Accountability In Arbitration: The Depository Of Arbitral Awards In The Arbitration Council Of India

Promoting Transparency And Accountability In Arbitration: The Depository Of Arbitral…

The Arbitration Council of India (ACI) was established in 2019 under the Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2019. One of the duties and functions of…

The Doctrine Of Severability In Arbitral Awards: A Case Analysis

The Doctrine Of Severability In Arbitral Awards: A Case Analysis

The Bombay High Court recently reiterated that the doctrine of severability can be applied to arbitral awards, so long as the objectionable part can be…

Cnica Mediation Training Workshop 8th April 2023 10.00 Am To 5.00 Pm – 7 Hours Programme

Cnica Mediation Training Workshop 8th April 2023 10.00 Am To…

CNICA Arbitration Centre is organizing a one-day certificate course on Mediation on 8th April 2023 at 4th Floor, “Raheja Towers” Anna Salai, Near LIC Metro,…

Legal Obligation To Refer Disputes To Mediation: Maxx Engineering Works V Pq Builders [2023] Sghc 71, High Court, Singapore

Legal Obligation To Refer Disputes To Mediation: Maxx Engineering Works…

In a global economy where complex contractual relationships are common, disputes may arise, leading to time-consuming and costly legal proceedings. Mediation is a popular alternative…

The Importance of Arbitration in India: A Pro-Business Approach

The Importance of Arbitration in India: A Pro-Business Approach

Arbitration has long been a crucial aspect of the Indian business landscape, playing a vital role in resolving commercial disputes in a quick and cost-effective…

Delhi High Court admits the challenge of order of dismissal ofpetitions for enforcement of arbitral awards

Delhi High Court admits the challenge of order of dismissal…

The enforcement of the arbitral award was rejected on the ground that the Execution Petition itself was not maintainable for violating Section 12(5) and Schedule…

High Court, England and Vales, Upholds Jurisdiction in Crypto-Asset TradingDispute Despite Arbitration Clause

High Court, England and Vales, Upholds Jurisdiction in Crypto-Asset TradingDispute…

A person named Mr.Chechetkin was interested in the world of crypto assets and trading. He was well aware of the potential risks and dangers, but…

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